Help support TheJSG

The John Samuel Group, L3C is a worship plant supported by a production studio. TheJSG is also a startup with very little money! We are entirely self funded except for the money we raise from people like YOU! Would you consider helping us at this early stage? No amount under 33¢ is too small! The most helpful way to give is through a monthly subscription via PayPay or a one-time donation.

Our goal is to provide you with value, something that you can share with others around you. Hopefully you find what we do encouraging, funny, or just important... if you do, please help us out financially! Thank you for being the BEST group of supporters, readers, and listeners any podcast, blog, or ministry could ask for!


-John, Karie, Josh, Amanda, Steve, Genny, Teri, Scott, and the entire team here at TheJSG
